American Vintage Group (AVG) utilizes the most direct route to quality and consistency of material through the American Vintage Source Pro™ distribution process. The following is a summary of the three components defining this highly effective method of bringing quality granite slabs to the US market.
1 - Product Design & Development
Strong relationships with major granite quarry owners allows AVG to clearly stipulate slab requirements such as size and thickness (3cm) with reinforcement of critical tolerances through all written agreements. All slab material is Grade A – 1st Choice cut from blocks that have also been qualified as Grade A – 1st Choice. To ensure a continued high level of consistency, all orders are shipped with one slab color per container and only sequentially numbered slabs from sequentially numbered blocks are approved. This is Quality Control Stage #1 in the overall American Vintage Source Pro™ distribution process that ensures color consistency in each granite countertop.
2 - Supply Chain Management
As with any building material, the control of the supply chain is a key determining factor in product quality and consistency. By controlling the elements of the supply chain that are critical to quality, the American Vintage Source Pro™ distribution process is designed to produce and maintain a high degree of material superiority and finish consistency. The results of the American Vintage Source Pro™ process are granite slabs that are truly judged first quality and that are ready for fabrication and installation in today’s finest homes.
3 - Inventory Assurance
Under the American Vintage Source Pro™ distribution process, all orders are placed directly with our own quarries or with our quarry partners. Due to our financial strength and excellent reputation with the quarries, AVG maintains sufficient slab inventories to serve the needs of our ever-growing customer base.

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- Heat Resistance
- Scratch Resistance
- 3cm material does not require underlayment
- All natural, rich visual texture enhances design
- Unique, one-of-a-kind patterns personalize projects
- Inherent movement adds excitement
- Most popular colors mean ease of choice
- Exceptional color scheme coordination
- Project expectations met
- Resists moisture and household stains
- Ease of cleaning and maintenance
- Enriched natural beauty of granite